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栏目:高升专 时间:2023-08-25 11:26:38 阅读量:0 作者:广东大牛成考网

emotional strength 情感的力量the noblest of human emotions 人类最高尚的情感no thought of gain 不计得失the lamp of love 爱心之灯help the victims of natural disasters 支援自然灾害受害者donate whatever they can 倾囊相助help their needy fellow citizens 帮助有需要的同胞be ready to give a helping hand 随时准备伸出援手When we use the word “love”,we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex,which is a very narrow definition of the word. Love is emotional strength,which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. In fact,throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded love as the noblest of human emotions.As an example of the power of love,we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year. Although their incomes are still low by international standards,people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can ― be it money or goods ― to help their needy fellow citizens. Moreover,they do this with no thought of gain for themselves.In my opinion,the best 


way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are. We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble,no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers. In this way,we can help to make the world a better place,for the darker the shadows of sorrow become,the more brightly the lamp of love shines.当我们用“爱”这个词时,我们不仅仅指异性对一个人的吸引,这只是对这个词非常狭隘的解释。爱心是一种情感的力量,不论我们周围的世界多么黑暗,爱心都能支撑我们。事实上,纵观历史,不同文化背景的人都把爱看成是人类最高尚的情感。说到爱心的力量,我们马上就会想起每年中国各族人民是如何响应号召支援自然灾害受害者的。尽管按照国际标准他们的收入还处于低水平,全国人民毫不犹豫地倾囊相助――不管是钱还是物――帮助那些有需要的同胞。而且,他们这么做并不考虑自己的得失。我认为,表达爱心的最好方式是帮助比我们更加不幸的人。我们应该随时准备向有困难的人伸出援助之手,无论他们是家庭成员还是素昧平生。这样,我们就能够助一臂之力把世界变成一个更美好的地方,因为,悲伤的阴影越黑暗,爱心之灯的光芒就越闪亮。常用套语套语指流行的公式化语言,在写作中适当使用颇有必要。如在商业信函结尾,期望对方早日回复的表达方式就要遵循套语的基本模式,使表达规范得体。下面试举几个例子:Kindly favor us with an early reply. 请早日赐复。Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. 如能及时回复,将不胜感谢。We look forward to hearing from you soon. 早日回复。We are expecting your prompt reply. 急盼回复。Please have the kindness to answer this letter quickly. 请早日回信。Kindly let us have your reply at your earliest convenience. 请在您方便时尽早赐函。We would appreciate it if you could respond right away. 如能即刻回复,将不胜感谢。

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